Your CV verification platform

Be instantly more appealing to recruiters and jobs

All of your experience verified

Cut the time needed to find a position

Claim your FREE account now
  • A free account to create, store, amend and generate your CV
  • Once done, produce a good looking pdf with a QR code that leads to a public profile with your latest CV
  • Use the QR code on your own CV if required
  • Send each experience, skill or hobby for endorsement to your colleagues, line managers or supervisors
  • The endorsements are placed on your CV profile page as a badge and are verifiable by employers and recruiters

What is it?

Benefits to candidates


A verified CV

Endorsed by those you know


Be up and running in minutes (LinkedIn import coming soon)

Verify your experiences, skills and qualifications with endorsements

Instant PDF version with a verified record of endorsements

Easy PDF generation

Claim your free account now

Free QR code of your CV and endorsements for websites, business cards, etc.

Quick QR code sharing


Benefits to recruiters


Lower hiring and compliance cost

Fewer project delays


Reduce the cost of labour intensive reference checks

Reduce the risk of project delays due to time consuming CV verification processes

Short list candidates based on specific verified skills and experiences

Improve meritocracy

Signup to private beta

Shorten hiring time with pre-vetted candidates

Fill urgent vacancies faster


Your web page with verification badges that link to endorsements

A PDF CV with a QR code linked with the public CV page


Amanda Baker / a recruiter

I wish all job applicants did the pre-work of collecting their references. It would safe us tons of time and money, reduce project delays and ultimately the hiring cost

I started using MyDocSafe to set up my CV so that I am in full control of my data and can easily generate a new one if needed. Asking for endorsements is super helpful - especially the 'reminder' feature.

Alan Smith / student

Is it really free?

It is completely free for now.  In the future we will start charging "per endorsement" but we are in "Beta" right now - rapidly adding features and listening to user's feedback.

What is the product vision?

This new product has a social element to it: we want to make it easier for job seekers with non-traditional backgrounds, gig-economy workers, or immigrants who bring in experience from abroad etc. to be able to collect verifiable references as they progress through their careers.   Ultimately, we aim not only to help them build attractive CVs but also to help them find jobs.

What is MyDocSafe?

We are an e-sign and data room platform. You can find out more about us at

I am a recruiter and am super excited about this new platform - do you have something for me?

If you would like to join private beta, write to and leave your details.

Who can endorse my CV?

Technically speaking anyone with an email, but in reality only real line managers who really worked with you should endorse your experience.   The act of endorsement is recorded as a proper electronic signature, with a signature certificate, IP addresses, timestamps etc., which let's us verify the legitimacy of the endorsement.  We are working on a "credibility score" which will then reveal if your endorsements are really worth anything.

I am a university - can we authenticate university courses through your platform?

Yes, in the near future.  Please contact us for details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fill this form to signup for private beta for recruiters

  • Enhanced Credibility: Each experience or skill listed on the CV is verifiable by a third party, boosting trust and credibility with potential employers.
  • Streamlined Endorsement Process: Users can easily request endorsements for specific skills or experiences, simplifying the process of obtaining professional references.
  • QR Code Integration: Each PDF CV comes with a unique QR code that links to an online profile, making it easy for recruiters to verify credentials instantly.
  • Dynamic CV Updates: The platform allows for real-time updates to your online CV, ensuring that your most recent experiences and endorsements are always visible.
  • Simplified Job Applications: With verifiable credentials embedded into the CV, users can differentiate themselves from other applicants, potentially shortening the hiring process.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is intuitive and guides users through the process of building and verifying their CVs, making it accessible even for non-tech-savvy individuals.
  • Tailored Endorsement Requests: Users can selectively request endorsements for specific roles or skills, offering precision in showcasing their strengths.
  • Verification Badge: The CVs generated come with a visible verification badge, signaling to employers that the information has been confirmed by reliable sources.
  • Improved Employer Confidence: Employers can trust that the skills and experiences listed on the CV are legitimate, reducing the risk of hiring candidates with inflated qualifications.
  • Professional-Looking Documents: The platform generates clean, polished CVs in PDF format that are ready to be shared or printed for in-person interviews.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Recruiters can scan the QR code on physical or digital CVs from their phones, making it convenient to verify credentials on the go.
  • Differentiation in a Competitive Market: As job markets become increasingly competitive, the platform helps users stand out by offering easily verifiable, endorsed, and visually appealing resumes.

Other benefits

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Docsafe Limited

38 Mill Street, MK40 3HD, Bedford, UK